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U.S. Government to Send 800 Troops to Help the Immigrating Caravan

You may have heard talk about an incoming caravan and Mexican immigrants and what not. Now it seems that the U.S. military is sending 800 troops to handle it.

For those unaware. A large group of approximately 7,000 Mexican folks are traveling north from southern Mexico, reportedly with the intention of immigrating to the United States. Primarily on foot, the size and dangerous conditions have gathered media attention. Many participants fear deportation or other punishment should they attempt to take any transportation.

In response to this oncoming crowd, Homeland Security and the National Guard have done two things.

  1. Establish 2,100 National Guard troops on the southern border to assist Homeland Security.
  2. Send 800 troops out toward the caravan to assist with “logistical support.” This will include tents, vehicles, and such other supplies.

This contradicts President Trump‘s Tweet Thursday morning, claiming that “I am bringing out the military for this National Emergency. They will be stopped!”

In an interview with caravan member Brian Colindres, he explains that all of the people involved are doing so because they want to flee the poverty and violence of Honduras. Many of them have worked themselves to exhaustion in their travels, and Colindres believes they’ll go until they collapse.

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