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Things to Consider When Burying a Shipping Container Shelter

Burying a renovated shipping container has been a popular alternative to professionally made disaster shelters lately. It can be a cost-saving way to build your own safe-haven in case of disaster. But with any DIY project, you need to do it right or it will cost more in the end. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re interested in burying a shipping container.

Do You Trust Used?

Because you shouldn’t. Used shipping containers are being sold for a reason, they’re no longer of use to the owner. This means rust, damage, and various other issues. If you’re wanting to use this as a living space, then buying a used container instead of a new one could result in problems in the future. Is the money you save buying used worth that risk?

The Heavy Lifting

Shipping containers are rather heavy. Some weigh over 8,000 pounds. When you’re renting construction equipment for lifting and dropping the container, make sure its able to handle the job. Having to re-rent something stronger is a waste of time and money.

Do You Have a Leg to Stand on?

It may be tempting to just place the container on the soil. This is a bad idea. The ground shifts, and so will your container. Build a foundation first to guarantee a level surface. Don’t forget proper drainage as well. The last thing you need is an underground swimming pool.

Don’t Crack Under Pressure

Shipping containers aren’t meant to be lived in, They’re meant to be stacked. For this reason, the load bearing areas are the corners. This means proper reinforcements are necessary to keep the roof and walls from caving in. Reinforce the ceiling and walls both. Coat the exterior with a waterproof sealant to prevent rusting, then surround in cinderblocks. Do not use wood. Wood deteriorates over time. This may be extra costs and time, but its better than a cave in.

A Place to Vent

If this will be a bunker intended for an extended stay, then proper ventilation is required. A proper ventilation system, preferably one with a filter, is ideal. Not much point in survival if you asphyxiate in your shelter.

Count your Blessings Dollars

Turning a shipping container into a shelter is an expensive process. Before you start anything, figure out what each step will cost you and have that prepared. Even better would be to have a surplus to your budget in case of unexpected complications. Running out of funds halfway through will leave you will a giant hole in your yard.

Being a prepper means to be prepared for when things go bad. That includes when making preparations. Its just preparations all the way down! I hope this helps anyone considering a shipping container shelter.

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